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Marketing Chatbot Chatbot for Marketing

Another common option in a playbook is to “connect to a rep” on live chat. Create a message that will ensure a clear and smooth transition to a sales or customer service rep. Many successful brands use chatbots to help people engage with their websites. Many companies are still in the process of stretching chatbot […]

What is generative AI and what are its applications?

What Is Generative AI? Definition, Applications, and Impact Gartner recommends connecting use cases to KPIs to ensure that any project either improves operational efficiency or creates net new revenue or better experiences. It’s a large language model that uses transformer architecture — specifically, the generative pretrained transformer, hence GPT — to understand and generate human-like […]

Enhance Your Store With Machine Learning for Ecommerce

Generative AI for E-Commerce: Ensuring AI Chatbot Response Reliability With chatbots, companies can introduce their products and services by providing a tailored experience to visitors using chatbots. The chatbots can ask what types of products the visitor prefers and give highly relevant options. A conversational chatbot, on the other hand, is designed to understand and […]